2025 Zolocon Expo Guide Sponsorship
Packages include:
- An advertisement featured in Zolocon’s collectible, printed expo guide & map handed to each attendee at registration.
- An advertisement displayed on Zolocon’s homepage.
- Advertisements featured on Zolocon’s social media platforms.
The expo guide is a 5.5” x 8.5” booklet. Zolocon will make minor adjustments as needed, but please submit artwork closely formatted to the below dimensions i.e. square, landscape, portrait. There's no need to be exact:
- Full page | 5.5 x 8.5” | $400
- Half page | 5.5 x 4” | $250
- Quarter page | 2 x 2” | $150
((Allow for a .13 bleed and DPI 300))
Before making a purchase, please ensure you're ready to submit artwork to within 24 hours of your purchase. Any changes to the artwork can be made up to January 15th.
Please note that Zolocon can only accept sponsorship submissions until January 15th.
Kindly understand that all purchases are final and not available for credit.